Pre Study Abroad

Tue 29 May 2018 by nolanfeeny

The reason I made this blog is because I'm going to be leaving the U.S. to study abroad in Berlin, Germany from July 7 - August 18. Since I won't have regular access to my phone, I'm not sure how accessible I'll be. Facebook isn't usually where I want to post updates because I don't like flooding other people with stuff about myself, so I plan on keeping a regular update of how I'm doing here on my website. That way if anyone is genuinely interested in what I'm up to, they'll be able to know what's going on in my life.

I'll try to post updates and pictures here, which will be good for me keeping my "coding" skills fresh. I'm looking to improve my German, which is one of the classes I'm taking. The other one is a renewable energy simulation lab, so if that's interesting I'll talk more about it in the future. I might post the links to this website as well on facebook whenever I do update, so be on the lookout for that if you're interested. Thanks for reading these couple paragraphs, if you did it means a lot.